how to save money on campsite holiday



Just logged on to the website of a well known campsite holiday provider to book a holiday in june for the family. The KEY when booking this CAMPsite holiday is to pretend your are dutch or british but definitely not irish. There is a significant difference in price betwen the irish (900 euro) british (650 euro) and dutch (550 euro) for the package we wanted.we phoned them up,i think the office is in cork, and they accepted the discrepency and accepted the lowest price for the booking, 550 euro.So a nice saving there.Some of you might find this useful.
I think the clue as to who it is, is in the capitalisation! You will find the same with most of the big camping holiday operators. Personally, I always research all the brochures and websites, decide where we want to go and then go directly to the campsite themselves. Most of the big sites will allow you to book directly and offer the exact same facilities as the operators - you will probably find yourself side by side with their accomadation when you get there. Its not always hugely cheaper but I've never found it to be more expensive this way.
The discrepancy in Accommodation Only pricing is scandalous. Like teech, I always book directly with the campsite; in my experience the mobile homes belonging to the campsite are usually better maintained and better situated.