How to resolve problems with Irish Times account


Registered User
Has anyone any suggestions. I've problems with an Irish Times subscription, which I've had for a couple of years. I needed to cancel the physical paper which was delivered once weekly, but keep access to the epaper. Since then I've had problems, I won't go through all the emails/details, but I've been charged twice in May, paid once in June but for the last 3 days its said that my subscription is inactive and I can't access it.
I've sent numerous emails to them, their phone lines are not being managed - they ring out. I've even set up a twitter account to contact them that way. But still no contact back from their digital services team.
I've tried sending an email to price watch on the off chance they might be able to help, but nothing. I've run out of ideas on how to contact them, besides a registered letter.
I get that doing business at the moment is difficult, but the Irish Times has had the online service for many years, the processes around this should be well established.
Who do I contact next?
Never had any such problems. IT staff were very helpful and attentive. Sorry to hear you didn’t experience their normal high level of service.

Can you cancel via bank.

You say you have the proof by email of attempts to cancel /amend.

Also - try phoning the main IT newspaper number.
Thanks for suggestion on the main IT phone number, I got sorted - sounds obvious when I read it back. But I had tried the customer contact number which wasn't connecting through. I'd also tried their help on twitter + both email addresses given on the contact us link.
I did, on June 1st! The email was not acknowledged. I'd also copied their digitalsupport team at the same time, and got an autoreply from them - so the email sent. Sent to, the email address given for his column.

I'm sorted though - I can now read the paper again, they've re-activated my account. If anyone else has problems, use the main phone line, not the one for Customer Care. I've still to be refunded for March, but have been told that may take a few days - time will tell.

I've asked that I can make a formal complaint, really because this will happen for someone else. I suspect that with things being re-directed to peoples homes that they've lost some of their phone lines - or at least dropped the ball in the connection process. They need to update the website to reflect this, or fix the lines.