How to request original mortgage protection/life cover policy


Registered User
Hi all,

My lender is looking for the original life cover policy schedule on my mortgage. The mortgage is over 10 years old & I can’t recall which company the policy was taken out with. Would my lender know? Any advice on how to find out the insurance company and request the original schedule would be appreciated. I’m worried in case I’m supposed to have the original schedule on file myself and am unable to locate it.

Who are you paying for it? That should tell you what company it's with. Do you have a mortgage at the moment as in the past the original policy if assigned was often held with the deeds.
Your lender should know as it would have been a condition of drawdown, but they might not have record of it.

Check email correspondence with your solicitor at the time if you still have.
If you used a mortgage broker, they probably also arranged the life cover, si again check emails with them, or contact them.

If the policy still exists, then you're paying for it. Have a look for monthly direct debit transactions on your current account, which should give you name a provider to start with.
Thanks you, active mortgage is with PTSB and the protection cover just comes out as an add-on to the monthly mortgage premium. It doesn’t show online who it is with, just that it is mortgage protection and the amount. I’m hopeful that the original policy will be with the deeds so, as I can’t locate it in my own files.
I should clarify that the monthly premium amount taken by PTSB includes the mortgage protection fee, which I can see in the breakdown on my online account.
I should clarify that the monthly premium amount taken by PTSB includes the mortgage protection fee, which I can see in the breakdown on my online account.
Ah, PTSB are tied agents for Irish Life. They should have the policy details themselves.

I'm assuming from your other posts that you are making changes to your mortgage which had triggered this. Whoever is looking at your case might have a standard list of questions and hasn't realised they arranged the life cover for you.

As an aside, you should be able to arrange life cover cheaper elsewhere, unless you've had a deterioration in health conditions.
My lender is looking for the original life cover policy schedule on my mortgage.
active mortgage is with PTSB and the protection cover just comes out as an add-on to the monthly mortgage premium.
I should clarify that the monthly premium amount taken by PTSB includes the mortgage protection fee, which I can see in the breakdown on my online account.
Why are PTSB asking you, given all of the above?
Doesn't make sense.