How to remove Sun cream from car bodywork?


Registered User
Last Summer, one of the kids smeared high factor suncream onto the door of the car when she was climbing in. Despite numerous washes since, I havent been able to remove this white smear. Has this damaged the paintwork? Can anybody recommend a way to remove it?
Some petrol on a cloth?
Gets rid of tar spots, should work on a cream also.

Suncream can badly mark paintwork if it is not removed fairly quickly. Try WD40 and if that fails try using a T Cut paste on the affected area.
Suncream can badly mark paintwork if it is not removed fairly quickly. Try WD40 and if that fails try using a T Cut paste on the affected area.

+1 on the T cut. I need to do that too. Told t cut by a garage guy. Slim