how to remove scratch from car


Registered User
Hi All, has anybody any recomendations for removing light scratches from a new black car? I have noticed a few along the side , no doubt from the local shopping centre (thank u tesco!) I know there are a few products on the market but are they ok?
Just bought a black car only a few weeks ago myself.
Hopefully the scratches you have are just surface and the best product that ive used is called Scratch Out. Can be purchased from most motor factors and basically when rubbed into the mark, breaks down the paint around the area filling in the scratch. Quite good but as said, only for surface marks.

Halfords do a kit, primer, paint and laquer which isnt bad for deep marks, hadve used it myself and wasnt really happy with result. Metallic paint cannot really be fixed 100% unless you go to a spraypainter andd get the exact colour madeup. Im a picky fecker so that would be the only option for me.

If it helps, I always try and park away from all sorts of heaps that you might see in a carpark. I know its literally impossible to guess if your car will be scratched or dented depending on the cars surrounding spaces but from experience, the ones drving the dirtboxes, dont really care about anyone elses property. Only happened to me last night by a f/national in a opel cadett. Opened her door against mine and then looked to see if anyone was looking. I said "Excuse me, but you just slammed your door against me car", "Sorry she replied. I said, "Yeah, sorry isnt gonna pay for repairs".
Then she drove off. Little dent and little sratch. P|ssed me right off.
But what can you expect from idiots like that.
A few tips I use for car parks.

Where possible park with a column on your left side(which gives more space) the car parked to your right will statistically speaking only have one occupant so the passenger door isnt used.

Failing that park beside the newest and most expensive car you can find as the driver is likely to be more careful.
If it helps, I always try and park away from all sorts of heaps that you might see in a carpark. I know its literally impossible to guess if your car will be scratched or dented depending on the cars surrounding spaces but from experience, the ones drving the dirtboxes, dont really care about anyone elses property. Only happened to me last night by a f/national in a opel cadett.

Driver of a mercedes did same thing to us! :mad: It depends on the 'idiot' not the 'car'!!!
A few tips I use for car parks.

Where possible park with a column on your left side(which gives more space) the car parked to your right will statistically speaking only have one occupant so the passenger door isnt used.

Failing that park beside the newest and most expensive car you can find as the driver is likely to be more careful.

What if this newest&most expensive car is moved just after you have parked and one of the other lot parks beside you. You cannot control who parks beside you can you?
Of course you cant. I'm just looking at decreasing the likelihood of damage and it works for me.
Or you could do the Mercedes drivers trick of parking deliberately into two spaces to prevent anyone squeezing into one side and keeping the car on the other side further away.

Not all car paint finishes are the same I've found some models just scratch easier, other models and manufacturers seem to have a fairly thick clearcoat over the actual paint. In particular a well known Japanese manufactures seems to poorly protect its cars. If your car is getting easily scratched check other cars of the same model you see around, if they're as scratched then you may just have to live with the scratches.