How to remove limescale ?


Registered User
Hi there.

Im just wondering what on earth will get rid of limescale? well i think its limescale thats what my mum says but she hasnt seen it so im not sure.

Its in the bottom of two toilets and in the one of the sinks. The water is really bad in the area and cannot be drank.

I have trying everything and scrubbing but wont come away. Toilets look real manky like discoloured this is a new house by the way.

Thanks if anyone can help me
No I seen it advertised on the TV but never tryed it as I thought it wouldnt be any good looking at the coin test etc!

Do you think this will work? Thanks enevlope
There's a special harpic for limescale too- in different colours- think the original is the best.
i used the cillit bang and it makes cleaning easy, very powerful stuff. i used it for the drain in the kitchen sink as it was a bit discoloured and it came up great.
We recently moved into a new house and found that there was limescale at the back of the toilet bowl where the water would run down from the cistern, Cillit Bang and a small bit of elbow grease shifted it no probs.

For the "underwater" bowl area, you can buy tablets (well, round things like Bloos!) in the supermarket that you leave in the toilet overnight and then you flush in the morning and it's adios limescale... we used Tesco's own brand version of these and found they worked well.

Would be interesting to hear if anyone's actually used the Harpic de-limescaler stuff that's being advertised on telly at the moment and if it's any good.
How much vinegar would you typically use in a toilet for instance? I have the same toilet problem - tried everything including the toxic tablets (from Lidl) - doesn't seem to make much difference.
I have used those limescale tablets that you put in washing machines (calgon or shops own brand). left one with a bit of water in my mothers bath over night and also cleaned my shower head by leaving overnight in bowl with a dissolved tablet - found them very good. Even better but more expensive are those limescale remover sachets that you can buy for cleaning your kettle- used the water afterwards to give sinks a good scrub
I used about a half cup full and left it for an hour, it is very effective
for the toilets, put your hand down and scrub off stains with disposable wipes. ( needs must! )It may be that the brush doesn't reach stains. Denture tablets also work on toilets.
For your kettle use citric acid, available cheaply from chemists. two teaspoons in hot water will fizz away the limescale faster than anything. Doesn't stink like vinegar either.
Try Punch Descaler for kettles and coffee makers. "Removes Scale Quickly and Safely" It does what it says on the box
Aldi/lidl do a cleaner called 'W5 Limescale Remover', pour it on and watch the limescale fissle off. Highly recommend it.
Hi guys.

Just wanted to give ye a update on my limescale probs.

I got the harpic limescale remover and yes it worked but didnt clean the worst loo.

So i got cillit bang, stain and drain and OMG powerful stuff. Ive never seen a loo so clean.

I told the other half i was scrubbing it all day. (and he believed it!!)

So my next prota call now is the kettle, shower head, iron etc.

Can anyone recommend a time frame in which removing of limescale can be done? like once a month or more?

I have a sachet of stuff for the kettle. Oh and should i be putting calgon in dishwasher, washing maching etc?

This limescale is annoying the crap outta me. Didnt have this in my old house. Im sick of cleaning!

Thanks for all the advice here.

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Why not have a water softener installed, this will eliminate your limescale headaches?
If you have a condenser tumble drier, you can happily used the collected water for your iron - shouldn't have to de-scale it ever again! If not, the one I have - Tefal - has instructions and a special button to de-fur inside.

If limescale is that bad in your house, you're right to be concerned about your washer and dishwasher - Carpenter has the right idea, but if its out of your price range at the moment, make sure you use Calgon or similar.
Carpenter, how much would a water softener be? (i never knew there was such a thing)


I dont have a tumbel dryer I only had space for one item and i choose the dishwasher!! (best purchase i ever made) have not washed a cup since moved in!!

I will use calgon. (im allways reminded of that add)

Your washing machine lasts longer with calgon!! ah im in a funny mood today, must be the sun gettin to me
lidl do the water softener tablets, adritt I think theyre called. Theyre like the dishwasher tablets, just chuck one in with the powder with each wash. 5-6e a box, can get it in powder form too.