How to remove 'exhaust emissions' light from dash - 00 BMW 316iSE

Plek Trum

Registered User
Hi all,
my NCT is due tomorrow (sat morning). I had my car fully serviced and the exhuast replaced yesterday. However, the exhuast emissions light on the dash is still on!

The mechanic tested the emissions and said they are fine, but unfortunately his diagnostic machine could not 'read' my car to remove the light. He has never seen this happen before!

I don't have the time to get to a licensed BMW garage (nearest one is 45 miles away) before tomorrow morning. The mechanic said to try the NCT anyway and see what happens...

A friend of my Dad's said to drive 2 miles in 2nd gear to remove it.. no luck either.

Does anyone have any ideas / suggestions that may be of help.
I would really REALLY appreciate it...
Managed to get a local mechanic with diagnostics to have a look this evening... hopefully will be good news *fingers crossed*
I think that's linked to the Lambda sensor in the exhaust.
If that sensor goes kaput, then the light will come on.
Any chance of disconnecting the whole lot and remocving the light? ;0)

Oh this car - disaster for things going wrong. Really won't ever EVER be buying a BMW again (unless I can actually afford to keep one). Lesson learned. As my Nan said - "big notions..small pockets". Can't beat the wisdom that comes with age...
Nah, that won't work. It's failsafe so if the sensor fails, it lights the dash light letting you know something's wrong.
You could try a bottle of dipetane (never used it meself and have strong doubts about it's potential) and a hard 10-20 mile drive, but I doubt anything but a new sensor (if that's indeed the culprit, only a diagnostic machine will tell you for sure on any modern car) will help.
There's actually 2 of them, and either could be the potential issue.
Ouch They're not cheap either.
Look up the Golden Pages for a Car Electrical place or Auto Electricians. Ring them and ask if they have diagnostics machine for an E46 BMW and pay them a few quid to determine the sensor fault.
Get a mechanic to have a look (the wire may just be loose/frayed)
Buy new sensor (eBay is as good a place as any, Otto car Parts in Dublin or (with a place in Belfast) or are the places to buy the part, generally.
Partly good news - met with the 2nd mechanic and he was able to remove the light, sensor working fine, all perfect.

Bad news - failed NCT due to a new tyre being put on "the wrong way around" (apparently there is an inside and outside to a tyre) and a blown bulb on the small door side indicator. Ggggrrrr.........
Bad news - failed NCT due to a new tyre being put on "the wrong way around" (apparently there is an inside and outside to a tyre)

Some tyres are designed to rotate in one direction only, this would be marked on the tyre. Grip would be compromised having it on the wrong way, risk of aquaplaning would likely be significantly increased. You might be lucky they caught this!
I would be chasing up Mr Mechanic for the cost of the retest.....putting a tyre on incorrectly isnt acceptable
Partly good news - met with the 2nd mechanic and he was able to remove the light, sensor working fine, all perfect...
There was no need as it is not an NCT failure to have the emissions light on the dash illuuminated - the emissions are measured as part of the NCT and that measurement is all that counts.

You will need to see someone with a good diagnostic system to replace the bulb and turn off the error-code indicator in the ECU (not necessarily a BMW dealer - a good independent will have all the necessary kit and know-how.)
... Bad news - failed NCT due to a new tyre being put on "the wrong way around" (apparently there is an inside and outside to a tyre) and a blown bulb on the small door side indicator. Ggggrrrr.........
Some tyres, referred to as directional tyres, can only be fitted to one side of the car - there are arrows which indicate the direction of rotation and a sign in English (it says "ROTATION" with more arrows) moulded to the tyre. It's pretty difficult to get wrong. Tell the eejit that fitted the tyre you want a new one fitted correctly as driving with these tyres the wrong way round messes up the tread and is very, very dangerous, especially in wet conditions.
Partly good news - met with the 2nd mechanic and he was able to remove the light, sensor working fine, all perfect.

Bad news - failed NCT due to a new tyre being put on "the wrong way around" (apparently there is an inside and outside to a tyre) and a blown bulb on the small door side indicator. Ggggrrrr.........

Shouldn't cost you anything to pass NCT, other than the cost of rectifying these faults, as they can be checked visually.