How to remove cement from cobblestone driveway?



Anyone got any advice? I was having some work done and it was only after the builders had gone that I discovered part of my driveway has some white patches on in from dried in cement.

A power washer might shift it, or get some of that fairly corrosive (forgotten the name) stone tile cleaner and try that as well!
Re: ..

I recently bought a product called HG Cleaner. The one I got is for removing cement and the likes from Tiles and bricks.
It has acid in it.
Got it from Atlantic - cost 12 quid. No idea if it will work for you though.
I've used Santrax on kitchen tiles in the past to remove cement stains and it was excellent but very strong and one would have to be very careful because of the acid content. I bought it in Lenehans but I think a lot of the hardware shops stock it. It might be a good idea to get advice before buying anything and do a patch test first.