How To Put Up Plasterboard!!


Registered User
Really rubbish at DIY so any help is appreciated!!

I built a log house and in my sitting room on one wall I have a 50" tv. In the corner I have my Sky Box and DVD player. This particular wall is just bare log so all the wires can be seen.
Ideally I would like to put up plasterboard and hide all the wires behind it, move the dvd player etc under the tv and also put in a surround sound sysyem while I'm doing it. I would also need to take off architrave around a door frame.
Problem is I'm ok at doing DIY I just don't do it much unless I know for sure how to do it! Does that make sense!! Anyway I'm looking for an idiots step by step guide and a list of the required materials.

Thanks in advance.

I would think this is really beyond the capability of an inexperienced DIYer; to dryline a wall, such as you describe, requires considerable setting out and carpentry skills (to ensure wall is plumb and true, especially if background is less than plumb). Fixing plasterboard in place is easy enough but there is a real skill to plastering or even taping and jointing the slabbed wall. It all seems a bit extreme just to conceal some wires. Just my tuppence worth...