how to put a 5 minute video on my webpage?


Registered User
I want to upload a 5 minute video to my school website, so that it doesn't take very long for the viewer to load and play, but keeping the quality relatively good.....
What's the best approach to take? I already tried by changing the video to a .avi, but this was very slow to load, and the quality was poor....
I don't want to host it on an external site like youtube etc.....
What's the site made with? Straight css, or WP or? Self hosted or hosted by scoilnet?

I have sorted our school site using WP and it's perfect for uploading videos in any number of formats.

Are you sure about not using Youtube? It will save you on bandwidth costs, don't forget.
Only thought that strikes me ... lots of schools have sites set up with webx5 .... and I've seen some of them with video on them ... though it's never bothered/interested me as I was a WP man.

Have a trawl through the scoilnet list of schools that have websites, find one that's showing vdeo .... view source ... and Bob's your uncle .... you'll see the format they use etc.

[broken link removed]

I'll have a look to see what I can find ....