How to punish a 10 year old who wants something to eat?

Science could debunk any religion but people still "choose" to believe.

Religion is all about control.
Science could debunk any religion but people still "choose" to believe.

Religion is all about control.

Religion isn't the problem, ignorance, hatred and extremism is the problem. Most people in the world, be they Christian, Muslim, atheist or other, would never condone what those nutcases did.
Religion isn't the problem, ignorance, hatred and extremism is the problem. Most people in the world, be they Christian, Muslim, atheist or other, would never condone what those nutcases did.


Sadistic psychopathic extremism also occurs in non-religious contexts.

Sadistic psychopathic extremism also occurs in non-religious contexts.

I know, but paradoxically you'd nearly suspect the risk is higher in religious contexts, should be the other way shouldnt it?

Maybe its that 'whack jobs', as Cal Thomas calls them, reach for the easy flag of religion to wrap around themselves, as a justification for all sorts of lunacy and also as a selling point for 'followers'/'believers' so maybe we shouldnt consider them religious at all, they're just giving religion a bad name. A kind of version of "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel".

I have to say that, more and more, I've come to associate religion with "the hee-bee-gee-bees" and my natural reaction is to run a mile from anyone with a religious message to impart to me.
I have to say that, more and more, I've come to associate religion with "the hee-bee-gee-bees" and my natural reaction is to run a mile from anyone with a religious message to impart to me.

+1. Especially if it's a 76 year old virgin who wears a frock and thinks his bread and wine are haunted.
+1. Especially if it's a 76 year old virgin who wears a frock and thinks his bread and wine are haunted.

It's a long time since and Christians saw beheading as a suitable punishment for anything. I'm not sure if they ever condoned cutting the head off a 10 year old boy of their own faith, not even in the darkest parts of the middle ages.
It's a long time since and Christians saw beheading as a suitable punishment for anything. I'm not sure if they ever condoned cutting the head off a 10 year old boy of their own faith, not even in the darkest parts of the middle ages.

Didnt they burn them at the stake instead?
The Spanish Inquisition routinely tortured children and aged persons, but not as punishment. It was in order to get them to confess to heresy.

Execution of heretics was public. If the condemned repented, they were shown mercy by being garroted before burning; if not, they were burned alive.

The inquisition was active in many parts of Europe though burning was a common form of execution for criminal (i.e. not religious) crimes in much of Europe, especially Scandinavia.
The last woman burned in England was guilty of "Coining" i.e. counterfeiting coins. It was regarded as treason. Her husband was found guilty of the same crime but the sentence for men was hanging. It was the sheriffs who had to carry out the punishment who lobbied to have it repealed. I can't remember the names but it was around 1790.
The act of garrotting before burning as an act of "mercy" was in line with the practice of the civil authorities at the time.

There was a young woman burned to death in Papua New Guinea in February of this year for witchcraft so it's still going on around the world.
There was a young woman burned to death in Papua New Guinea in February of this year for witchcraft so it's still going on around the world.

I believe another (late teenager) just beheaded her own father for raping her.