How to Publish Poems/Short Stories?


Registered User
A friend is looking into putting together a collection of poems / short stories etc. The material would not be written by her but there would be a particular selling point with the proposed collection.

I don't know anything about copyright etc. but I can't imagine there could be much profit left once everything is sorted out?

Does anyone have any experience in a similar project?
Is there a web-site that could help understand the process so I can do a few sums!

Best advice would be don't. Self-publishing is tough. Not just the costs, editing, proofing, typesetting, design etc, but then storage, distribution, selling, etc, etc. Then there's rights issues for the authors and other legalities. Obviously it depends on the numbers and market she's looking for, but it's still an expensive and time consuming task.

There's a couple of small "cottage" publishers for poetry, short stories etc. It may be better to approach them with a proposal and see if they're of interest.

The Irish Writer's Centre should be of help and has a list/details of publishers.