How to publish paper cuttings to web?


Registered User
I'm looking to publish a few extracts from newspapers onto a website (with permission from the copyright owners). Problem is I have a scanner that only handles up to A4 size and they're larger than A4 but smaller than A3.

Is there any software that will enable me to cut them in two, scan them in two parts and then stich the file back together before publishing?

Hi Liam,

The humble MS Paint will do it. Open a new file, zoom out until the canvas is all visible, choose "Paste from", browse to your scanned jpegs and choose the first one (top_half.jpg). Repeat the exercise with bottom_half.jpg and simply drag the newly-pasted image down from the top LH corner, which is where Paint will automatically insert it. Top_half.jpg will still be there, underneath it.

With practice you can align images nearly seamlessly — zoom back in closer for this, obviously. When you save your newly spliced image you may need to re-crop it subsequently (in Picasa or something) to lose the surplus white background.
Or drop into a local SNAP print or architect or maybe even library to find an A3 scanner.