How to paint/ decorate wellies?


Registered User
I'm going to Electric Picnic this weekend and given the probability of rain I'm planning to bring a pair of wellies with me. Being a style conscious but finacially consraind gal, I'm thinking of trying to decorate a pair of standard green wellies rather than fork out lodsa money for the very pretty ones that you find in places like Avoca.

Does anyone have any idea if there is any paint that will do the job, something water resistant and flexible.


Acrylic paints from an art shop. The wellie masterpieces won't last for ever but should be ok for a few weeks.
Acrylic wouldn't last pi**ing time in this situation I'd imagine- it would just flake off as the rubber flexed. I'd say your best bet would be standard oil based gloss paint or enamel- as used in decoration. Although by the time you'd buy the paint (unless you have some tins knocking around at home) you'd probably be as cheap buying them from Avoca!
How about some cheap but funky nail varnish? Would certainly last the weekend!