How to open screen in small icons


Registered User
Recently my PC did a windows update ( I think) ( dont know how I triggered it). Ever since my screen is opening in large icons & web pages are harder to read - dont fit the screen. Before the change, web pages fitted the screen & were easier to read. Also now, when using Excel, less colums & rows fit in the screen.
When I do Display Properties - Settings - I dont get an option to change font size or change display area- stuck with one screen size 640 x 480
Help appreciated in getting things to fit better on screen
Sounds like it's switched to a default video driver. If you go into the settings tab of the Display Properties, and click on Advanced, select the Adaptor tab, then the Properies button, and the Driver tab here, you should get an option to update or roll back the driver...

There is no Properties button in the Adaptor tab. My PC is using Windows 98. Any more help.
Is the windows large or extra large option selected in the scheme drop-down list in the Appearance tab by any chance?

Try going into the Display Settings from Control Panel. On one of the tabs there's a list of different screen resolutions. Setting it to 1024x768 should improve matters.