How to NOT bring a bag with aerlingus?


Registered User
Hi, when trying to book a flight with aer lingus,it brings me to the date page ,I pick the date,and then have an option of booking with a bag or without a bag,but then that price is then selected for everyone on the journey.

Does anyone know how I can select to bring a bag for say two people and not for the third,as we only want to bring two bags.

I went as far as ticking the T and Cs,and then onto the names section and still no option for bags.

Is it that if I select the bag option for one then its selected for everyone?
Or if I choose the non bag price ,then no one can bring a bag?
Am I missing something?
Would it make sense to book all travellers without bags (which is 40e at time of booking) ,and then use the book a bag facility at a later date? Or does this cost even more than the 40e ?
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You can choose a bag individually, or not at all. So to answer ur question it is possible to just bring 2 bags among 4 people, no problem at all. Enjoy ur hols.
I went through the process with no bags checked,then put in all the names and discovered that it is at this stage that you can choose to bring a bag or not.

Did anyone else notice that if you click on the checked bag initially it costs 20e ,but if you do it at the later stage(After all names have been put in)it cost 15euro?
I went through the process with no bags checked,then put in all the names and discovered that it is at this stage that you can choose to bring a bag or not.

Did anyone else notice that if you click on the checked bag initially it costs 20e ,but if you do it at the later stage(After all names have been put in)it cost 15euro?

The additional 20 Euro "Plus" ticket option is for a bag and seat selection, not just a bag.

If you don't care about picking your seat then select the "Low" ticket option and just add a bag for 15 Euro.