How to make a property jointly owned?



Our family home is in the joint names of my wife and myself.
We have a small property in the west of Ireland.
It is currently in my sole name. I would like to transfer it into joint ownership.
How can I do this?
Do I need a solicitor?
Are there any downsides to doing this?

Thank you

Thanks for that Brendan. Lots of good stuff there.
Given all of that - my main question was: how do I add my wife as joint owner?
Do I have to go to a solicitor?

House is owned outright - no mortgages or any other hindrances!!
"Do I have to go to a solicitor?"

Have you not already answered your question? You don't know how to do it.

Mind you , all you have to do is examine the Deeds, prepare the appropriate Deed of Conveyance/Assignment or Transfer, have it executed, witnessed, adjudicated non stampable by Revenue and then lodge it for registration in the appropriate section of the Property Registration Authority.

Simple , really!


Thanks MF.

In my admittedly limited experience there are certain activities which the legal profession clasp to their bosoms and for all practical purposes are beyond the capability of the ordinary man. For example, selling/buying a house.
Other activities they try to keep within the profession but are easily done, in most (not all, I agree) cases, by the man in the street. For example - probate. 3% of the estate is a nice reward for doing very little.

So, I was trying to establish if what I want to do is like example 1 above or like example 2. From your description it seems relatively simple so I shall proceed without the assistance of the professionals.

Many thanks

Selling or buying a house involves much of the same work as a voluntary transfer if it is done right. However for a solicitor a transfer between spouses is relatively straightforward and the fee should reflect that. I would suggest you would ring a few solicitors for quotes ( preferably recommended to you) to get an idea of the fee. I doubt if it would be easy for you to do it yourself despite what you seem to think and I would suggest you would be better to get it done properly. Might also be a time to review wills while you are at it, many solicitors offer free wills when doing another transaction or at the very least, a discount.
Thanks for that good advice.

But methinks I'll give it a go!! Being retired, I have lots of time on my hands!!
