how to - level foundations


Registered User
hi guys,

I am gonna lay some concrete kirbing around a flower bed.
Problem is I dont know how to get the foundations for it level.

I was thinking of just using very wet cement and hoping it levels it self in the troff I have dug out.

Anyone an better suggestions ?

Before digging just get a length of sturdy timber and lay it along the path of the proposed foundation, and place a spirit level on top. That'll give you a rough idea of the existing levels, so you can dig accordingly.

After digging, get a lump-hammer and securely drive a 12" (or longer, depending on the depth of the foundation) length of 2"x1" timber at each corner of the foundation - by which I mean down in the foundation - then run a taut plum-line from one to the other. Buy one of those tiny spirit-levels with hooks that are purpose designed to hang from a plumb-line, and use it to get an accurate level. If it's a very long foundation you could drive an extra length half way down the foundation and do it in steps. Then just pour in the concrete, make it fairly wet, but not too runny, and fill up level with the plumb-line. Use a trowel to get it flush with the plumb-line level (which is why you don't want the concrete to be too runny). Come back in an hour or two when the cement has set a little, and remove the lengths of timber and the line.

That'll get it nice and level.