How to keep dust down on concrete floors


Registered User
I'm waiting on my new concrete floors to dry before I put down solid boards. (Another thread - sorry, I couldn't find it). In the meantime, the dust from the concrete is driving us nuts and probably isn't that healthy. A few people have told me there some "stuff" I can roller/paint on and this will keep the dust down. Can anybody tell me what exactly I'm looking for & how to do it. Secondly, will this stop the concrete from drying as thoroughly as if I just left it with nothing? Thanks.
Had the same problem a few months back - PVA bond. Roll it on with a roller. Naturally enough a concrete floor will soak up a good bit of it.

It definetely helped keep the dust down.

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I used polybond when I moved into my apartment. Didn't get wooden floors for two months. It worked a treat.
As suggested Polybond (or PVA concrete sealer to use the generic term) is the product to use. I'd water it down considerably, a 1 litre tub would probably seal up to 90 sq. metres.
As the others say, Polybond is the job. We mixed it up in a bucket and applied it with an old mop. You mix it with water and has a very thin/watery consistency.Takes no time to do

Polybond diluted for the purposes of sealing concrete floors doesn't take long to dry especially if the house is well ventilated when you do it. I remember giving ours a couple of coats in an evening and it was dry in no time. Not sure about the moisture issue though.
paul5 said:
Might try this over the weekend. Will it take long to dry? More importantly, will it stop the mositure content from falling as I want it to? Cheers.

It's not going to impact on moisture content- you're applying the mix at maybe maybe 2 or 3 litres per 100 sq. m. and this is not going to penetrate to the core of the floor, it will maybe permeate 3-6mm at most and will evaporate very quickly if heating and ventilation are adequate.