How to get rid of mice nicely?


Registered User
Hi we have a house and what I think is one mouse but am probably wrong as I believe they breed every 21 days!!

He seem to be gnawing at the beams under the floor during the night and continues even though I bang with my foot on the floor! Cheeky thing, I have spooted droppings underneath the sink where I keep my recycling so he must be there too.

Don't really want to kill them would rather set them free somewhere out in the open not near anyone elses house because I think they are field mice and just in for the warmth.
Maybe Im too soft.
Anyone seen humane traps for sale anywhere that would fit under floor boards between downstairs ceiling and upstairs floor or any homemade ideas??

Any ideas welcome!
Re: How to get rid of mice nicely??

Search for a previous thread on this. You'll find all the smart answers as well as the humane ones!
If it's actually a house rather than a field mouse and you set it free in the open air then it will probably die of exposure. You would be better off treating this as a case of vermin infestation and dealing with it appropriately. Especially to avoid damage to the house or hygiene problems.
If it is just one mouse you don;t have all that much to worry about. They can't breed on their own. They need a mouse friend.
Ah ha, mouse friend needed eh?? What do they do when they get together????

Can't tell if there is just one as I can only be in one place at one time to hear the little blighter!! I doubt there is probably just one though as why would one travel into the house on his own. Short of installing night vision CCTV all over the house to see...
I put down a humane rat trap that is wire mesh and a trap door on it with a stategically placed Jaffa cake but the little sod ate the jaffa cake and got out through the wire mesh sides!!! I think he's toying with me.

Have also just discovered a possible wood worm problem too.....Wildlife eh??
My sister realised she had mice when she noticed that the remnants of a box of Celebrations were disappearing. As both she and her husband detest coconut, they had eaten them all except the Bountys. Mystified she pulled out the cooker, and found the wrappers. Hubby was sent to the hardware shop for a mousetrap and came back with a Humane Trap, which would allow the mouse to be released after he was caught. Being a country gal, she explained that the mouse would come back again the way he had come in originally, & that the poor little mite just had to die.
Two nights later they heard the trap go off. Her husband arrived into the living room to her with the line " Now he really has a taste of Paradise "

If you only have one mouse get a trap, a good old fashioned one that will kill him instantly, so he won't suffer.

I'd be alot more worried about the woodworm though. Have you any timber crates like those used for tomatoes, or other fruit & veg, or a tea chest ( if these are still around )? Those things travel all over the world and get into all sorts of places that may have woodworm. Treat what ever wood is affected. Are you sure it is woodworm? What signs of it do you see. Are there holes, or are you finding little piles of dust?
Hi there, there are some little holes that lookfairly new but no dust around the holes, These little fellas are very small oval brown shape with tiny little feelers on their heads. I think they are coming in from the garage which has old shelving in it attached to the walls that is the only thing left of the origianl house we moved into 3 years ago!
The box room upstair has no skirting yet and they are probably getting up through the gap between foor boards and walls.

Did put some killer down when we moved in on that floor but thoguh they ahd gone, now Im spotting them on the walls, not loadds of them but enough that I go in every day and hunt for them! Shame the mouse wouldn't eat them!

Am going to get some humane traps in woodies or somewhere and its his last chance to get to mouse old age.....
THanks to all who offered help, I would love to be able to get mouse ninjas but don't think woodies do them do you??

If you think you have woodworm you should deal with it immediately IMHO. These previous threads might offer some advice.
You can get plug in devices that emit a frequency that will drive to mouse out and then it becomes your neighbours problem.
Hav already tried that one, don't think it worked the little fecker kept chewing even while I plugged it in and then continued to chew elsewhere. I think you would need them in every room in every corner as I understand the ultrasound travels only in straight lines and cannot go through walls, doors, doesnt travel downwards to where he is under the floor boards so unless he stands in front of it..... My dogs hated it though an sort of jumped when I plugged it in.
Bought himane traps in Ecoshop in Glen of the downs today only 7 quid each put one under the sink and one will go under the floor boards upstairs before I go to bed. They are ones you bait with peanut butter and he walks in to one end to get the peanut butter and the trap tilts and the front door closes so hes stuck there till i let him out!
Had to buy peanut butter too but they do a LOVELY crunchy one there thats go low salt levels in it so really tasty. HAd my paws in the jar while driving back up... yum...

Will keep you all informed as to whether or not I get the him later
Had to buy peanut butter too but they do a LOVELY crunchy one there thats go low salt levels in it so really tasty. HAd my paws in the jar while driving back up... yum...

Will keep you all informed as to whether or not I get the him later
I am sorry to be the one to tell you this but mice prefer smooth to crunchy.