how to get house valued?


Registered User
morning, how do i go about getting my house valued?

is it free?

any recomendations, based dublin northside.

By valued do you mean formally for a bank as would be required for a re-mortgage application? Or just an idea what it's worth before placing it on the market?

If a formal valuation, then contact an IAVI member firm, most are qualified valuers. Cost is usually €130.

If for placing on the market then most EAs do this for free.
no, not selling, remortgaging, but need to get a vauation done for other reasons.

do i just ring an estate agent and ask em for an evaluation?
Most estate agents won't give you a valuation unless you are selling your property through them. One of the few estate agents I found who would provide a valuation service was Lowe and Associates. Good luck.
You need a valuation for a specific bank, it will either be just a statement of ' we viewed etc etc and believe value to be €x, or you will need a valuation form completed. Both will cost you money the latter €130, the former prob half that. First contact your bank and see which one you need and they will have the agents on their panel. You will have to use one from their panel so thats where you should start, you could also try getting the bank to cover the cost of the valuation.