How to get a room upgrade


Registered User
On many Americans advise handing in $20 with your credit card when checking in to a hotel room (in Vegas, in particular) in order to get a room upgrade.

Has anyone ever done this and did it work?
Just asking nicely sometimes work - especially if you are good at cajoling people or have the gift of the gab and, in some cases, play up to the cute Paddy image that some over there have. At least those who have actually heard of Ireland.
Don't assume what everybody knows about us. Why should they? Last time I was over in the US I had to ask the receptionist what Tagalog was in the list of "languages spoken at reception today". I'd never heard of it before. I'm sure that my ignorance wouldn't go down too well with some people from the Phillipines.
You learn something new every day ... I bet Tagalog will be a crossword clue or a quiz question in the next while ... :)
ClubMan said:
Just asking nicely sometimes work - especially if you are good at cajoling people or have the gift of the gab and, in some cases, play up to the cute Paddy image that some over there have. At least those who have actually heard of Ireland.

A lot of us think we are the centre of the universe, but I was amazed when I first met an American who had never heard of Ireland. Clubman is right... "Don't assume what everybody knows about us".
Neither should you assume to know about somewhere such to make remarks like the one i quoted. In fairness the name of a Phillipino language is a far cry from knowing about the existence of Ireland, we've sent enough people all over the world to know about us (usually negative things mind you).

I have a close friend who's Canadian, nothing bugs him more than the assumption he's from the States.
Eurofan said:
I have a close friend who's Canadian, nothing bugs him more than the assumption he's from the States.
yeah, thats why every Canadian backpacker sticks a maple leaf flag or badge on his\her baggage when they travel around....whenever I see the maple leaf I feel obliged to ask 'which part of the States are you from?'.
Our neighbour is Canadian but call themselves French. They had French flags hanging from their windows on Bastille day and drive French cars. They speak French all the time. Now there's a thing....
Eurofan said:
Neither should you assume to know about somewhere such to make remarks like the one i quoted. In fairness the name of a Phillipino language is a far cry from knowing about the existence of Ireland, we've sent enough people all over the world to know about us (usually negative things mind you).

Would a Filipino agree with you? Maybe not. There are lots of Filipinos in the US. As a country, the Philippines are quite influenced by US culture.
Eurofan said:
In fairness the name of a Phillipino language is a far cry from knowing about the existence of Ireland
I'm sure people from that part of the world would beg to differ when it comes to a nation of c. 5 million verus a language spoken by 10 times that number of people.