How to find what receiver has a house?


Registered User
Hello, there are 2 houses in my locality that went into receivership approximately 10 years ago. They were never sold and were built by the same person. We are mortgage approved and looking for a house to buy and are interested in buying one of these properties.
How do I find out what receiver has them if they are not advertised as for sale?
It doesn't matter what receiver has them, by normal receiver / bank practices you would have to wait until they go on the market to submit a bid. It is in the bank and borrowers interest to sell the properties for the best price to help clear the debt so likely the receivers will be instructed once all legal challenges by the borrower are exhausted to place on the market or auction and not entertain any direct offers ( if that's your intention) The borrower depending on their arrangement is likely to be liable for residual debt. So would want that to be as minimal as possible and could challenge the bank in the future if they felt not all best efforts to get the best price were pursued. I can only assume that the fact the properties are under receivership for a protracted time that there is a legal challenge of some sort in the background, could be due to Tracker redress issues for e.g.
Thank you for your reply. Can you tell me is the process different if the builder passed away before/soon after they went into receivership? The gentleman who built them was a builder and I’m not sure if he built them with or without a mortgage to determine whether a mortgage provider or NAMA would have repossessed them. Do you know is there any way to find out if it is a receiver who has them or if maybe whoever assumed the debt has regained ownership of them?
Can anyone answer this question. How to find out what receiver is dealing with a particular house.
Start by looking up the folio and also the property price register, later won't tell you who owns the property but it may tell you when it was last sold.

If you can identify the company who owns the property (if it is a company), then a search of the CRO records may assist.

Or go and talk to the neighbours, they may give you an idea
I know who 'owns' it, but it has been withdrawn from sale by a receiver, I am trying to find out who the receiver is.
Contact the business that went into receivership. The receiver is operating the business/ assets.