How to find stats on how many places are in Ireland/Dublin etc?

Jackie D

Registered User
Hi.. Is there such a way of quickly finding out such statistics? I know if you type ie Bar into a number comes up for each county area etc.. Is there another way which gives a very near count?

Best regards
JD ;o)
I'm a bit confused - is it a list of all the townlands in the country that you want?

If it is, you might be able to get it from the Ordnance Survey.
Thanks for that..

Gianni, that website is good.. Is there a way of also seeing those companies details regarding contact them? Similar to the Golden Pages?
Do Bill Moss charge for such details?

I am looking for very near accounts of how many ie Coffee Shops are in Ireland. Better again if it can be narrowed down to County and their contact details. I think the Golden Pages is good for this but not every company advertises with them so I was afraid I may miss some..

Many thanks!