How to find out the correct address of an estate


Registered User
Hi there, I have been given conflicting information as to where a certain estate is. Where do I find out what the correct address is? Does it go by whatever post office is used for that estate or something like that? But in doubt between a good area and 'OK' area you can be sure that it in the 'OK' area. Unless it was build a few years ago brown envelopes may have been given to change the postal area to a 'Good' one.
I know what you mean Tyger. I felt certain that I knew where this particular place was. Have since been informed that it is in a nicer area than I thought (news to me).
It's like Dublin 4 or the old Castleknock/Carpenterstown/Blanchardstown conumdrum. Dublin 4 is expanding every year. People who live in Blanch say they live in Castleknock