How to find out if I have shares in a company


New Member
This probably sounds like a strange question, but around year 2000 I was working in Motorola in Swords, and I remember at the time availing of an employee stock purchase plan. I didn't know a lot about share schemes at the time, and when I left the company I thought little of it. My parents used to get dividend notification letters for a few years after to their house (my registered address) but these were sub $1 amounts, so I paid no attention to them.

Is there a list somewhere that I can check to see if I still hold shares in the company? Google is not my friend today.

Thanks for help in advance!
Looks like Motorola split into two companies in 2011, with shareholders being given shares in each of the two new companies (Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions). Large companies like this tend to appoint a third-party registrar that looks after their share register, so I'd suggest starting with contacting the share registrar for both companies, providing your details (and your parent's address) and asking if they can help.

I cannot find the details for Motorola Mobility, but for Motorola Solutions the contact info is here -
Brilliant, great starting point, thanks!