how to find individual web designer with specific skills, where to advertise the job.

Thanks for all the advice.

To be honest, the creation of the type of website I'm thinking about requires about ten steps or processes, and I can only afford to pay for help in some areas.

I'm just going to do more work on this myself, .. and bring in the professionals at a later stage. I've written a list below, .. it lists most of what has to be done. I'd really only need someone to help primarily with the CSS side of things,... checking over what I've done in steps 2 and 3, .. then by doing 4,5 and 6 although I may have done a lot of it... and certainly doing 8,9 and 10... 8,9 and 10 are the steps I really want experienced help on.

But it's still too early for me to be looking for help. I don't think I can get help with the text and drawings content, so that will take me quite a long time to do.

List of tasks to be completed.
1- Getting and writing all the content (getting all the photos of previous work, writing descriptions, writing product lists, assembling required info on each product, .. basically writing and getting photos and drawings as appropriate for every page of the entire 100 or so page website.)

2- Design in terms of overall layout of all pages, (what menus should contain, and how every page is linked to the rest)
3-design in terms of individual pages (in terms of colours, fonts etc, .. multiple individual page types need to be laid out, in a rough storybook type form in such a way that all required CSS text styles can be easily determined. A complete list of CSS text styles could be written at this point.)

4-design in terms of choosing colours, fonts, text sizes, etc for all of the CSS styles needed.
5-design in terms of choosing menu layouts, font sizes, colours, text size etc, also method of menu operation (sub menus etc, do they slide out etc?), and also the choice of alternative styles (in terms of fonts, colours etc) for visited links, and for mousing over
6-design in terms of choosing page layout structure,.. what divs etc are needed.

7-design in terms of back end database tables needed, and the naming system of table and fields. (One set of tables to contain pictures of previous work, and one set of tables to contain products. Possibly more data needed as well, for example FAQ questions and answers)

8-implementation of the CSS text styles needed. Loads of styles have been identified as being necessary, now they have to be implemented.
9-implementation of the CSS page layout needed. All those divs etc need to be implemented,.. and menus with rounded corners need to be made and implemented.
10-implementation of HTML pages. This will be done at first as simple html... and a representative sample of each and every page type will be created, using the CSS style file and sample info hardcoded into a html file (hardcoded rather than using a database)

11-Implementation of the database, in terms of the overall schema.
12-Writing all of the SQL queries required.

13-Converting all the html pages written previously to PHP pages,.. which use database SQL queries rather than hardcoded sample data.
14-Test, test, test.
15-Uploading all files to your hoster.
I think you've approached the job very professionally but don't make it harder than it needs to be.

There are several ways to approach web design and you can learn a lot just by right-clicking on a page you like and selecting "view page source".