How to find a hotel owner


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I was in a hotel today and the general manager walked in shouted abuse at a member of staff for minutes, then took him into the hallway to continue the abuse. I want to inform the owner - I have his name but no contact details. How can I find his contact details? Thanks, Keara
Ring the hotel?

Write to him at the hotel with the envelope marked "private & confidential"
try - its great for finding out directors names... have used it once or twice...

I think that is shocking! he was obviously having a very bad day!... absolutely no excuse!
Phone the Irish Hotels Federation

Contact another business owner in the town - they will usually know.

can you get the directors names free on CRO? didn't think you could....

i know there are other site like solocheck but i've used it a couple of times...
A long shot but you could look up the company website on Quite often the owner of the website is also the owner of the business.