How to finance car?


Registered User
Just wondered if anyone can advise whether it is better to buy car outright or part finance. Trading in my 07 with 95km for a new car - dealer is asking 10k. Have the money, and will have savings left, but always want to keep as much cash to hand as possible in case of emergencies etc. Is it better to buy outright or finance the 10k? Do high mileage so change car every 3 years or so. Opinions and comments appreciated.
I would pay it out of cash, paying interest on a car loan if I had the money to cover it would kill me. Also there's nothing worse than just having paid off the car loan and then selling the car, never having really owned it, since you say you change it often....
Suppose it depends on how much you'd have left over and/or how quickly you could build it up again.

It's a good idea to have some savings available, particulalrly as it's getting more difficult to borrow.

Perhaps consider borrowing half of the 10k?
Probably better in the long run pay with cash. If an emergency does arise, then you always have the option of borrowing then.
Thanks to all of you for your replies. Think I will pay cash this time. Hoping to keep this car longer as have moved nearer to work so less commute. Only working part-time at moment but going back to work full-time next year so will be able to build up savings again, and will have some left over this time anyway.
Probably better in the long run pay with cash. If an emergency does arise, then you always have the option of borrowing then.

It might be more difficult to borrow money for an emergency. If the emergency was health-related, for example, a bank might be more reluctant to lend and you might find yourself under pressure when you can least afford to be.