How to edit home DVD?


Registered User
Hi all, hoping this is correct forum.

Basically have some footage taken with video camera and now would like to edit it. Its one full DVD of 30 mins and all one clip. But I would like to add some titles and maybe music and photos interspersed into the clip if that makes sense.
Would rather take this on myself than find a place to do it for me as am only looking for simple stuff to add to family footage. So wondering if anyone knows of quick/easy way to do this. Will be working from a PC so if theres a simple programme I can download (preferably free) to do this would be grateful for any suggestions.

Do you have Windows Movie Maker on your PC? If not, try Corel Visual Studio - they used to have a 14-day free trial.
If you're a PC WWM is free....have to say it's the worst movie editing software though, and get ready for headaches, that's if you're movie is anyway longer than 30 mins. I'm a PC, but luckily have a iMac aswell I use for some stuff, and iMovie is superb (I hate apple!) but it works, never slows with clips, one of the best 'free' pieces of software!