How to discourage canvassers

Henny Penny

Registered User
I think it would be a good idea if there was some kind of symbol you could stick on your door to discourage election canvassers ... like a ribbon of some colour that would effectively deter them from ringing the doorbell ... any suggestions?
A sign saying:

"No Canvassers"

Or a sign saying:
No talk of sex, religion or politics on this door step.
How about put a sign outside saying something like "Kingdom Hall all welcome"
Just put "beware of the disgruntled public servant" (even if there isn't one living in the house) - it'll keep the government parties away for sure!!
A Daniel O Donnell CD to start up as soon as the gate latch is risen. Or better still a 240v ............ sorry Mods, only jokin' :D

Why would you not want to speak with them?

I can't wait for the unsuspecting victims oops ... I mean politicians. What better time than now to ask them a few penetrating questions?

I had a bit of fun with one guy last evening. He hadn't really anticipated a discussion on fairly explosive local issues when he called. But he at least was on the same side.

There are one or two that I am looking forward to meeting. I hope I don't miss them. ;)

You took the words right out of my mouth marion. I can't WAIT for the knock on my door. Let the squirming begin :D
Thanks for the replies folks.
I was like you a few weeks ago Marion and thebop... couldn't wait to vent on the doorstep ... but 8 or 9 canvassers later I'm running out of enthusism ... I don't want to give a lack lustre rant to anyone who knocks on my door ... I feel they deserve my full rath! With this in mind I want to discourage any future campaigners until I get my gusto back!