How to collect money in civil case


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Is there anyone out there that can give me some info on judgments made against someone in a civil case? if someone is successfully sued what is the process in getting the money from that person? how long can it take? is it always successful? How do you prevent or make it more difficult for someone to successfully get money from you?
Would take too long to fully answer this query. Talk to your solicitor about the specifics of your problem.
why do you want to prevent or make it more difficult for someone to get money from you (on foot of a judgement?).
well there is a possibility a judgement may be awarded against me. I would like to know all my options. for example can i be forced to sell my main dwelling to pay for the judgement amount?
If a judgement is made against you, you must pay. it is quite simple. Any devices or attempts to divest yourself of assets is wrong and can be overturned by the courts.
What happens if a spouse has joint ownership in an asset. can we be forced to sell the full asset to pay for a judgement made against me?. The case hasn’t been heard yet. Is it wrong for me to dispose of an asset at this stage?
you need a solicitor for many reasons - to minimise LEGITIMATELY the payment; to protect whatever assets you and spouse hold and to represent you in any subsequent criminal/civil cases.

sometimes, honesty is the best policy.
you spouse is entitled to half of what you own so in effect half of your property is protected. you can transfer the entire property into your wife's name and you will be sorted.
another option is to mortgage your properties to the last, this way there will be no equity left in your properties.