How to claim from British Airways...


Registered User
Partner and child left yesterday to go to States for holiday of lifetime! Travelled to Heathrow for connection to West Coast. BA flight cancelled (BA say delayed!). Were informed flight would leave at 5pm yesterday. Flight cancelled again (BA still say delayed)..Were re-boarded at 9pm last night. Captain announced technical fault and they were disembarked. Spent night in hotel near Heathrow. Flight to take off later this afternoon...
Missed first nights accomodation (paid for) plus a booked event for this afternoon (total value approx €500).
We have multi trip travel insurance. Have spoken with them and they advise they are not liable for missed accomodation or entertainment events. What they will pay is €40 per person for each 12 hour delay so €80 in total back from them. BA are not agreeing to any compensation because flight was delayed not cancelled...
Any options that we might explore?
Partner is of opinion now that BA lag behind even Ryanair in terms of customer service - Ryanair would seem like Sinagopre Airlines in comparison!
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BA should have had a copy to hand of the EU passenger rights and should have handed this out to passengers. Ryanair have it on their website here

By the way, don't let them tell you as flight is going to USA it's not covered, it is.
I can't comment on what you are entitled to but had a problem with BA out of London to Bangkok two years ago. They had 'overbooked' the flight. Managed to get us on a Qantas flight later that day but then lost our luggage for three days in the process of the change of flight. Lots of stress and annoyance at the start of what should have been a lovely experience.

Wrote to their BA customer complaints department and had an acknowledgement of the complaint within about four weeks later and a warning that they had a 'backlog' of complaints they were handling (as if I cared about their problems!). Took them TEN MONTHS to reply with a cheque for compensation. I think they gave us about 1/4 of the price we paid but I was astounded that a company of their size took so long to respond and compensate. Appalling!

If you believe you are entitled to some compensation, write, emails, write, email a LOT and you will eventually get some kind of response....Good luck.