how to check prsi etc contributions (no payslips)


Registered User
talking to one of my buddies yesterday ,the crowd he works for is a small company roughly 10 employees ,no hr department ,no union ,outside accountant
impossible for him to get payslip asked often ,same hours every week but differences in weekly payment ,.unemployment black spot so don't want to have to leave/or told go (for asking about payslip)
deductions are being made he is told, but no proof they are being passed on ,
anyway he could check himself about his prsi and other deductions ,bit concerned about this accountant
Yes. He can contact the Dept of Social Protection and ask for a statement of his PRSI contributions. Has he ever got a P60 from the employer? That would show total annual earnings and deductions for the year.
I hate hearing about employers who don't give pay slips. It's really easy, really cheap and it is the law. If you can't organise it then don't start a business!
He might also want to check with revenue that his PAYE is being paid correctly, and that he's getting any tax credits he's entitled to.