how to check if the delivery man give me the right amount of kerosene oil?

Only way to know how much oil was delivered is to install a device on your tank. This will monitor how much oil you have in the tank before and after delivery. these devices are not cheap but you would know for sure.

Its makes no difference, as I said the hose is full, so therefore a litre going in at the start equals a litre coming out at the end.

So where the meter is situated is irrelevant.

I dont know why people are complicating this, it is a very simple procedure.
If I was getting a delivery of DERV (road diesel) I would not want the contents of the hose if the last delivery was green diesel. Even a small amount of green diesel will contaminate a whole tank and land you in serious bother with the revenue agents.

The hose can be emptied and I do insist on it. No one has a problem with that.
it is a very simple procedure.

Maybe it is. But I am never able to get a real answer from the Oil companies personnell in relation to my query. I'll go down now to the pub and ask the rep from the Oil company. I'll report back, but I have asked him previously to no avail.
Always at 000

How come over the years I have never got a receipt print out that read something like this. Start 1300 Finish 1800 after getting a 500L fill.

It has always been start 000 finish 500
I can only answer from my experience with my oil deliveries.

As regards the meter, they put in the docket, press the reset lever, which resets the count to zero and then start pumping. At the end of the fill, the docket is taken out with the stert (zero) and end fill values on it. The difference is the fill. This is the delivery docket and it is the standard way he records the delivery (and payment).

Also, he once put the hose into one of the openings on the top of the truck and pumped in a number of liters. I asked him why and he explained that the previous fill had been diesel, and he needed to clear the hose of that before he started my kerosene fill. This leads me to conclude that

1. He knows how much is contained in the hose and

2. he clears out the hose and pre-fills it as necessary. He had selected kerosene before clearing the hose so the incoming kerosene in the hose pumped out the diesel - the hose was not empty at any point.

3. You pay for what you get, and you get what you pay for.