How to change the name on shares I inherited


Registered User
Good Morning

A friend of mine inherited a block of the above shares from his father. He has been told that to change the name on the share certificate he will have to sell the shares and then buy new shares. This seems unusual to me and I am wondering has anyone any experience of this with Glanbia shares please?


Check with their registrar.

I don't know if it's right or not. But as the beneficial interest is not changing, I don't think you have to pay stamp duty. If you do have to sell and buy, the stockbroker should charge very little commission.

The advice to sell and buy sounds like nonsense to me. How could he sell the shares without proving to Glanbia that he has ownership rights? And if he can prove that, why would he need to sell them?

Glanbia has to be made aware that your friend now owns the shares, and should take steps to amend the register of members accordingly. They will need to see the Grant of Probate as evidence of the change in beneficial ownership.

We had to deal with a similar situation about a year ago, with Vodafone shares. A couple of phonecalls, coupled with completion of a fairly straight forward document they sent out and copy of the Will was all that was needed. Granted, the shareholding was relatively modest (sub €500) but that should not really matter, other than perhaps for the additional requirement of wanting a solicitor rather than just one of the executors to complete the documentation.

There were no charges and the new share cert was issued in a matter of 3-4 weeks as I recall.

As Brendan says, call the Registrar, they should be able to assist and I'd suspect there will be no charge.

Many thanks to one and all for their help and information here it is very much appreciated.

