How to cancel a contract (road rescue)



Hi All,

I am looking for suggestions/advise on the following:

I was covered by some road rescue contract (lets call it "Company 1" contract) for one year - was paying by direct debit monthly. this contract was due to expire on 30 of August.

Earlier this year I have got road rescue cover from another company (complimentary to car insurance), so around Sept 10 I have cancelled Direct debit payments to the "Company 1". I did not notify them about termination of contract or anything, I just thought it will be automatically cancelled....

Now I have received a letter from "Company 1" where they request a full payment for the full year, starting from the 1st of September ...

(I did not not intend to use their service this year, and I am covered by different service provider)

Do I really have to pay ?

What can I do to avoid paying for the future service, which I do not intend to use ?

Thanks in advance.
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Hi All,
I was covered by some road rescue contract (lets call it "Company 1" contract) for one year - was paying by direct debit monthly. this contract was due to expire on 30 of August.

I am surmising that you mean 30th (31st) Aug 2009. If your contract finished on that date and there is no "small print" conditions pertaining to ending cover/policy termination then I would just ignore any further communication from Company 1.

Remember you are the customer and as such you do not have to purchase any product that they wish to sell or force upon you.

Notwithstanding this, out of common courtesy, you should have contacted Company 1 and advised then accordingly, and just not cancelled the DD.
This would come under financial products and there is a consumer protection code. Before you write to the company concerned - phone the financial regulator office advice line to ask what the law is on the matter and then write the letter to the company concerned outlining your position via the law and consumer protection code.
Guys, thanks for your comments.

Thit added to my confidence as I called the "Company 1" today. Seems they have agreed to cancel the contract for this year.

PS my bad, I should write to them to cancel the renewal

PSPS and thanks again for the "financial regulator" hint - I will keep it in mind for the future.