How to become a photographer


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I would love to pursue a career as a photographer (wedding, family portraits etc).

What sort of training would be required?

How much experience would be needed to establish such a business?

What sort of cost would you be talking about for start up ?

I would consider myself a very good amateur photographer and have had a number family portraits done professionally and really feel with a bit of additional training and the right equipment (lighting etc) I could have done just as good a job....or maybe theres a lot more too it and I am flattering myself too much

What sort of training would most 'professional' photographers have?
There is a part-time degree course - used to be in Kevin St, so I presume it's part of DIT now. Big brother did the course many years ago.
I know of one guy who has taken early retirement from an unrelated field of work and pursued it professionally.

He was a good amateur, had all the equipment, and did alot of pro-bono work for friends and family which resulted in word of mouth recommendations. Very few would entrust the likes of wedding (one chance........with the same two people anyhow!) photography without recommendation and examples of work done.
If it's in the Dublin region, I know that Griffith college run a fantastic photography course and offer lots of practical advice on setting up on your own. Once you're trained, the best thing is to do a few freebies and build up positive publicity through word of mouth advertising.
Thanks for the replies....the one in Griffith course looks very good so have sent off for some more info....
