I am not aware of any public statements by the banks on the issue of whether they will fully engage in PIAs/DSAs. However, in ordinary meetings with us, and also with other PIPs, they have been quite candid in their views.
The fact of the matter is that the PIA/DSA process can be costly, inflexible and cumbersome. If I was a banker, my own preference would be to deal directly with the borrower, so that I could avoid the costs of a PIP and have much more flexibility to deal with variations in income etc.
Having said the above, many of the banks are now negotiating debt forgiveness deals directly with borrowers outside the PIA/DSA process. These deals are being done in genuine cases where the level of debt is absolutely unsustainable. Accordingly, there is still a key role for a professional advisor: advising the borrower on how to negotiate with the bank.
In practice, I believe that the only scenarios suitable for PIAs/DSAs are borrowers who are multi-banked.
Jim Stafford