How organised are you?


Registered User
I can be either very organised or a total scatter-brain. I do a to do list every day, but I often end up feckin around (like now) doing everything other than what I had planned, argh, I can drive myself nuts with it.

Are you very organised? Do you live a bit free n easy, or are you an efficient task-eating machine?
I try to be organised and try to get what I need done..however...Painting gets in my way all the time..the easel is there calling me and I find it very hard to resist!
I could spend all my time painting.. and then get stressed because I should be doing other things!
I'm pretty organised in work and good at meeting deadlines.

Out of work I'm hopeless.
Depends who you ask! My husband says I'm the most disorganised procrasinator he's ever met, people I know outside reckon I'm very organised (but a terrible time keeper).

I sort of agree with both "assessments"
Pretty much super organised. I used to work from home so had to be on top of things as I had no-one else to blame!

We have filing cabinet for bills, all in year and date order, our cds and dvds are alphabetically sorted. If we go on a trip everything is packed and ready days in advance and I can find more or less anything on the computer easily.

My time keeping is extreme, anything less than 10 minutes early I consider late

I am quite annoying in this respect when I think about it!
Im massively reliable on time keeping, in fact Im usually so early that I spend a lot of time just waiting around in places like doctors offices etc...

Hugely organised financially, could tell you to the nearest euro on any of my accounts, know how much is in my purse, know whats in my pockets at any given time.

Dreadfully scatter brained on social engagements, always forget Im invited to weddings, birthdays etc....
I'm a very good time-keeper - punctual but not too early.

Most people (outside of my family - they know me ) think I am super organised. If you give the impression ...

I'm useless at organising where my stuff is - keys, purse, etc. I just don't pay enough attention to these issues. I make an effort - but I just don't succeed. I have always been like this.

My worst disorganised moment was going to a charity fashion event last year with what I thought was a really cool dress. I had purchased the same boots in 3 different colours and I decided to wear one of the pairs to go with the dress. Well guess what? Yeah! An acquaintance sortof friend of a friend had said to me during the evening that "only you could get away with it" but I didn't know what was meant by the comment and I didn't pursue the matter. Though I noted it! I thought she was making a comment about my dress!

I had a great laugh when I realised my boot mistake hours later into the event. Funnily enough the colours of the boots were complimentary to the dress - even if they were different colours!

I called it my Garrett moment. (None of my friends at my table had noticed and nearly cracked up when I announced my mistake!) My family had a laugh when I told them but weren't in the least surprised!

I set up reminders on my mobile to remind me of important events.

Am always finding euros in pockets that haven't been used for a while. Love when it's a twenty!

I can free-wheel when necessary!

Fairly organised at work. I operate a just in time system when it comes to a deadline. I am usually without fail, the last person to submit.

I once wrote on an email to someone who hounded me on the last day of a deadline that she would have had the attached a half hour earlier if it wasn't for the 10 phone calls she made to me that day. She hardly rings me now.

A boss I had for about 2 months introduced me to someone, as the most efficient member of staff he ever had, which surprised me.

At home, I free wheel. I have a tonne of ironing that needs doing for the last 3 months but will find something else to wear or just iron the things I need.
I like this website. Helps me juggle all those balls in the air!!!
My family are chronically late. Every time. My in-laws are pathologically early. So if I have a bbq/party etc. , I have to text my family to come at twelve and the other side to come at two to have any chance of everyone arriving at in or around the same time.

Unfortunately they can sometimes talk ( my MIL childminds for one sister ) and they can suss it out and I'm left making small talk with the in-laws for a couple of hours until the other gang show up. Neither side seem capable of changing their behaviour and to be honest; the showing up at quarter to the designated time irritates me more than the forty minutes late.