How much would it cost to extent my garden?


Registered User
Looking at extenting my garden by purchasing a bit of land behind it that has become available.
Would anyone have a rough costing per foot? Probabaly extenting back 6-8ft.
What is the width of the garden and what is your location? What is the land you intend purchasing used for at present? These would be necessary details for anyone to give a rough estimate.
Kilcock, Co.Kildare is the location. The land directly behind us is a green area, lots of wild bushes. This varies for about 8 to ten feet then a green space is about 20 feet and then a footpath. Basically looking to extend the width of the ditch. Width of garden is approx 4 to 5 metres.
Looking at extenting my garden by purchasing a bit of land behind it that has become available.
Would anyone have a rough costing per foot? Probabaly extenting back 6-8ft.

Is there no price on it or is the vendor asking for offers?
There isn't really a comparative market for sales like this.
It really depends on what the vendor is willing to sell for.


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