How much will it cost me in the long run to claim?


Registered User
I'm a taxi driver and I rear ended a VW Caravelle last night which was like hitting a brick damage to the Caravelle at all - my car is a 2000 Mercedes E220 and sustained some substantial damage - two quotes I got were about the same - roughly in the region of 2k. My insurance is 1680 with Quinn Direct (only with them since June). I don't have 2k to spare to fix it but was wondering how much I could expect my insurance to jump next year if I claim? I know it will cost me over 2k in the long run but how much more? Anyone have any similar experience with premium jumps after a claim? Thanks in advance for any replies.
what NCB have you? you will in all probability lose that so your premium will increase to caret for that. Why not phone QD and ask?
I don't have any NCB - I was in the US until about 3 years my license about 2 years ago and my psv license just over a year ago. As I stated I'm only with Quinn since June. Just to add I'm 36 years old. I did call Quinn - they wouldn't give me any information....go figure.
Well, if you have no NCB at the moment it won't go up as you have no discount to lose. However you won't be able to move company for about 3 years. I'm not sure if Quinn Direct load premiums after a claim.
In this instance I would be careful about paying for it yourself. To do that much damage you must have rear ended the VW at reasonable speed. There is every possibility that the people in the VW could claim damages (unless you didn't swap Insurance details).
Personally I would claim off Quinn, wait to see if any personal injuries claim arises and wait for my renewal premium. If it has been hiked you can pay Quinn back the 2k you claimed before renewal, get your 1years No Claims and (if there is a loading) remove it.
Most companies will allow you to do this but check with Quinn first to make sure they do.
You need to watch the situation for the next 2 years as the people in the car you hit have 2 years to claim thru PIAB for damages. Little point giving quinn the 2k if the land a PI claim into PIAB.