How much will I be entitled to on JSB and rent allowance?


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My partner is on JSB at €188 a week. I have just been laid off this week so will be on JSB when it comes through. We have 1 dependent. Our rent is €550 a month which is under the rent limit for our area. Can anyone tell me how much JSB I will be getting claiming for my daughter and how much rent allowance would we get if it is granted to us? I'm hoping I'll get a job before it matters but I don't hold out much hope
You will also be entitled to 188 Euro pw. In addition, an allowance for your dependant will be paid - 29.80 pw, probably split between both claims.

In terms of rent supplement, you will have to pay the difference between your total income (405.80) and the SWA rate for your family size (currently 340.60), plus the minimum contribution of 40 Euro per week. This gives a total of 105.20 pw which would be subtracted from the weekly rent charged by your landlord.

There are other qualifying rules for rent supplement.