how much to try to bargain off this car??


Registered User
how much can I bargin with the garage about a car like this?

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Re: how much to try to bargin off this car??

just walk in and say i have 15000 to spend will you give me the car for that if not i can buy one somewhere elese. and then wait for his repley and haggle with him. Stick to your price.
If an older second hand car is listed for about E4,500 on carzone how much should I try to haggle from it or would that be the price?
i bought my first car last year. list or sticker price was 3500 walked out the door with the keys in my lamh for 2700 plus full tank of petrol on a 1.6 mondeo(99). i was just straight cash customer so i think i may have gotten a better deal. my next (used) car ill be looking at slicing 25 to 33 percent of the asking price. people are prepared to take less and get the cash in now. you have to have serious neck though. we were like the pikeys out of snatch negotiating with this guy.

good luck

Was that from a dealer or from a private seller?
The answer for all these "how much discount?" threads is identical.

The answer is "as much as is possible". There are no set rules. You've got to use your negotiating skills.

If a car is very well priced day 1, you may struggle to get much more knocked off it's price.

It's a buyers market having said all that.

I would consider a 99 mondeo overpriced at 2700.