How much to rent in London?


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Ok - couldn't find any better section to put it into than this one so mods...feel free to move it if the wrong section..

Anyway - i am thinking of moving to londoin.

Does anyone have a ballpark idea of how much it would cost to rent a fairly nice 1 bed apartment in a fairly nice area.

I know my description is quite vague but all i am looking for is a ballpark figure.

In dublin teh equivalent would probably cost €1000 (in,say, ranelagh for example)
I believe london is quite expensive for rent.

How much more expensive?
Hard to say unless you narrow it down. I lived in Battersea, just beside Chelsea and was paying £1400 per month. Nice place though so not sure if that is average. Imagine you can get cheaper places. Unlikely you will get something decent and near central London for less than £1100 a month.

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I'm sure a London property head will tell you differently but IMO this kind of guesstimate is very difficult in London for 2 main reasons:

1) 'Nice' can be very subjective. Sure there are areas that are simply not nice by almost any evaluation, but there are highly desirable (and expensive) areas which may not be everyones cup of tea at all. Similarly plenty of places off the radar that may be ignored for one reason or another but are still perfectly nice places to live.

E.g. Hoxton in NE London became trendy and expensive a few years ago partly due to a kind of Britpop/bohemian thing. Apart from a few new galleries and bistros it is largely a dump IMO and not particularly safe either.

2) As above, areas change all the time in London and rapidly become gentrified or degentrified.

I used to live there - if you could be a little more specific about what you want or think you might want I might be able to suggest something.
Just to echo the sentiments above.

I think you need to appreciate the sheer size and diversity of London, with a population of 7.5 million people (more than 2.5 times the population of the entire Island of Ireland) living in 33 local authority areas (32 boroughs + City of London ).

Rents and property prices vary hugely from one area to another (location, location, location) and in some cases even within an area as fashion dictates. If you take just one area in North London (N1, around The Angel underground station) there will be huge variations between the Duncan Terrace / Camden Passage area and other parts of what is essentially the same postal area.

I think you need to be more specific about your location requirements.

As well as the site above, this site London Councils may prove useful.