How much to pay for used car


Registered User
I tend to drives my cars to the ground before replacing them and have no idea how to negotiate on price of used cars with dealers (not private sale). If a 2006 car is advertised as €9000 when it is €20k new with scrappage deal. How much should I essentially pay for the 2006 car?
Why not check autotrader & ? Loads of cars, and you should get a good idea of value of similar cars, ie mileage etc. They are all usually within the same general price range. But price is not just age-related. Mileage is a major factor. Service history, extras,numbers of previous owners, trading in. cash or credit etc, all play a role too. You'll have to haggle after that tho.
I recently bought a car through Carzone for less than the advertised asking price. I think you can probably shave 1k off most of the asking prices as the culture in this country when selling is to ask above what you want for the vehicle, house etc and then work back to the what you are prepared to take..
I recently bought a 2006 vehicle and paid €900 less than what the car was advertised for..
So when I was searching for a car I also looked at a range which was just above my budget too...
Used car is always cheaper than brand new ones. But, it is difficult to identify how much will it cost since it varies from how unique that car would be and how much the seller paid for the car.