How much to offer on 18k car?


Registered User
Hey all!

I'm thinking of buying a new car. I've found one I really like, it ticks all the boxes.

It's priced at E18,500.

If I were to buy it would be a straight deal, no trade.

Considering the way the market has gone of late and what with so much talk of bargains to be had, what do you reckon I could haggle down the garage to?

I love the car, but I'm definitely not paying anything near asking price for it.

Would offering 14k be overly optimistic, or in light of the current motor trade situation should I go even lower?

Btw, if it's any help, in doing some research on this car I've found out that it's been in the court yard for 10 months at least.. so it's been sitting there nearly a year with no takers, and this year looks set to be worse in the motor trade industry.

All thoughts and feedback appreciated.
Info about the car would help, make model, mileage, spec, has it been at that price for the 10 months, or is it brand new ? etc.
If it's 2nd hand I would offer 12 and go no higher than 13,500 and walk away if it's not accepted. Dealers are desperate to shift anything.
It depends totally on how it's priced day 1. If it's keenly priced you won't get a amount big cut off the price.
This might be helpful for a guide but had a look at Irish vs. UK used/depreciation rates yesterday. The following are the asking prices compared to the cost of a new model in each country for a particular model I like (similar mileage):

UK: '06 33%-43%
IRE: '06 60%-75%

UK: '07 56%-67%
IRE: '07 75% and up.

Do cars depreciate quiker in the UK? You could find out the depreciation rate of your car in the UK and use that as a bargaining tool. I think Irish dealers are overpricing their stock and seem prepared to let cars sit in the forecourt for months on end rather than shift them on for some reason.
the technique id use is to go there, get him to name them best price, then the chances are they will go down twice more from that
Offer 14 to 15K. I suspect they will initially refuse, so politely walk away but leave your tel number. If they are about to close out the month and need to shift more inventory and are hungry for cash, they may call you back. Be prepared to sit and wait it out. In the meantime, search for other similar models and print out the pages from Carzone or CBG and don't be afraid to show them to the dealer. Let the dealer know that you are doing your research, so you cannot be fooled.