How much to offer in PTSB / Everyday Settlement


Registered User
As the title suggests, I owe PTSB/ Everyday (debt collectors on behalf of PTSB) around 3k. I have no income to spare to offer as repayments but reluctant as I am to do it, I could approach my elderly mother for a small amount of money to settle it if the discount was substantial to give closure on this. I could probably borrow 700 to 1000. Is it likely they would accept this amount?

I really am looking for responses from people who have settled with PTSB or know of the discount ratio they operate on rather that suggestions to "put it to them" etc.

Thanks in advance to anyone with any experience / knowledge of the process.

Hi S,

In the same boat as you, just wondering if you had any luck?
Marc & Struggling.
I am assuming you do not have the funds/income to pay these debts and are honourable people.
So suggest.
If ptsb have sold/handed debt to Everyday ,Ptsb have effectively given up on getting these funds back and for 3,000 it is not worth the cost/hassle of legal.
1. You need closure.
2. Ptsb need closure.
I would not advise a small monthly payment as it means the debt hangs on and on.
If you cannot pay it , then so be it, there is little point in paying dribbles each month.

If you can afford/get 25% from someone , offer that in full and final settlement.
If accepted get that amount in writing , pay it and get on with your life.