What do you want to happen:
1. When you die?
2. Your spouse/partner dies?
3. When you go together?-
Are you aware of your legal obligations to each other? How many of your assets are in joint names and will pass outside your estate directly to the joint owner? Do you have under age children/ beneficiaries?
Is what you want likely to leave upset in its wake when you go?
Do you both want the same things?
Solicitors will want to see you separately and will suggest that you each make your own will. By all means, discuss with each other what you want to do before you meet the solicitor and then discuss with each other what you've done after you meet the solicitor but the solicitor will still want to see you separately.
Most solicitors will do wills for less than €200 ( incl. VAT) each.
Personally, I'm thinking of introducing an additional wittering-on tax ( WAT) for the clients who treat giving instructions on making a will as something akin to identifying, confidentially, an additional Secret of Fatima! Over a prolonged period of time.
We then have the "I can't make my mind up, I'm terrified of verbalising what I want, I'll just keep making appointments and then breaking them - I'm sure the solicitor has lots of other things to do while I'm playing this elaborate foostering pantomime " brigade.
Or the "of course, our circumstances are quite unusual" - they're not
"of course, you won't have come across this before" - we have.
You get the picture.