How much reduction to expect in 2nd hand car garage?


Registered User

I was wondering what percentage of the asking price can you expect to be knocked off by the salesman when purchasing a 2nd hand car from a dealer?

i.e. how much cheaper should I expect their "cash price" / "best price" to be

Surley that really depends on the car. If a car is advertised for 10,000 then the price is 10,000. His best price will depend issues you can point out for the car, eg higher than average milage, scratches to paint work, obvious smoke odour, not a full service history etc etc etc. Of course there is nothing to say the dealer will not claim that these are already factored into the 10,000 price and any further reductions that 'his boss' could make would be coming straight out of the business margin and would therefore be from the goodness of their hearts.

But now, to contradict myself, I would say you should hope for a 8 - 10% reduction towards the end of the month, after thrashing the cars reputation and condition and showing him the other cars you can get for 8 - 10% less and flashing him a quick view at the check book as you transfer it from one pocket to the other following a 80 second silent staring match with the spouse and as many ragged kids as you can gather in the background causing mayhem in his new car showroom. Then walk out if you dont get it.

Repeat untill you do not need to walk out.

You need to be sure of your ground, that what is on offer is not in fact good value without holding out for more that the 8%. The only people who know what the car is worth are a salesman willing to sell at a given price and a buyer willing to buy at that same price. Without this situation pertaining there is no way of saying what the car is worth. You can only get the best deal you can negotiate. same with the salesman. Any help???

beaky said:
Surley that really depends on the car. If a car is advertised for 10,000 then the price is 10,000.

On a 2nd car advertised at 10k you would expect to get it for 8,500 or so I would think.
SteelBlue05 said:
On a 2nd car advertised at 10k you would expect to get it for 8,500 or so I would think.

cant really imagine a garage knocking €1500 off a car they are selling for €10,000. I would say they would at most knock €750-€1000 off
This is my point exactly. No one can agree on the price. Only the buyer and salesman. There is no set % off. Depends on the car, the buyer and the salesman. Take a course in negotiation skill to increase the % off. Or just pay the asking price if you accept it as good value or really really want the car. Either way nobody can tell you what exactly you might get off.
In fairness, I think there is a standard discount when buying for cash (it has been discussed here before). Other than that it depends on the attitude of both the buyer and seller-I'd imagine that it's very much a buyers market for the next while.
The OP included in the question, how much cheaper would the best price be, as well as cash price. Discount for cash as salesman not have to try sell your car, taking time and money etc, quite variable depending on saleability of your trade in... Discount for 'best price' extreemly variable and dependant on many factors. I stick to my guns. The more effort you put into bargaining/haggling the better you do. I did say you could hope for 8% OTA, if you play the game.

Standard discounts available (perhaps on request???) sounds to me like a great opportunity for competitors to advertise their cars for (almost?) the discount inclusive price, to get an edge on the showroom next door!!! Thats what I would do but maby thats why Im not in the sales business.

My final thoughts.........You gotta haggle, there are loads of cars for sale.
well i'm buying a car for 13,500 and i got €750 off the listed price which i'm happy with. 15% a 10k are a but much, but if you can get it well done.
While i'm all for pushing for as much reduction in price as possible it's always good to ask for something to clinch the deal if you reckon you've plumped the depths of cash discounts.

Extensions in warrantys, tax, first service free etc. etc. it's all for the asking...
Thanks for all the feedback - & sorry for the delay - I've been out off work for a while
If you want a second hand car I always think you are far better off going to a n auction or get on the BUy and sell. I buy and sell cars. Just as an example I bought a Renault Laguna 6 months ago for 1000 euros the same car was valued in a garage at 3,750 euros. Granted some people say you get a guarantee from a garage. These guaratntees are only normally for 3 months . Maybe you are taking a chance in auctions or private selling but there is big savings to be made. Out of all the cars I have bought I v only lost money on one and that was abot 500 euros